don't understand why it show error
:) initials.c exists
:) initials.c compiles
:( outputs "MB" for "Milo Banana"
\ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n"
:( outputs "MB" for "milo banana"
\ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n"
:( outputs "RTB" for "Robert Thomas Bowden"
\ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n"
:( outputs "R" for "ROB"
\ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n"
:( outputs "RTB" for "Robert thomas Bowden"
:) initials.c exists :) initials.c compiles :( outputs "MB" for "Milo Banana" \ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n" :( outputs "MB" for "milo banana" \ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n" :( outputs "RTB" for "Robert Thomas Bowden" \ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n" :( outputs "R" for "ROB" \ expected prompt for input, not output of "Input you name\n" code:( outputs "RTB" for "Robert thomas Bowden"
string s = GetString();
printf("%c", toupper(s[0]));
for (int i = 1, n = strlen(s); i < n; i++)
if (s[i] == ' ')
printf("%c", toupper(s[i+1]));