Its getting compiled hence syntactically correct. But after execution it had just made 1 new jpg file and too corrupted. Could you please help me out here. I have used 508 instead of 512 because I am reading 4 bytes of the tempstorage in each iteration and storing it in float type to later check it against 0xffd8ffe0 - ef. See that I have then written the same ( check's 0's and 1's) into tempjpgg before writing those 508 bytes.
* recover.c
* Computer Science 50
* Problem Set 4
* Recovers JPEGs from a forensic image.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void)
FILE* sdcard = fopen("card.raw", "r");
// to check if the file is opened correctly or not
if ( sdcard == NULL)
printf("corrupted sd card");
return 1;
// file pointer to point to the temporary jpg
FILE* tempjpgg = NULL;
// for the nomenclauture of the jpg photos
char* jpegname = (char*)malloc(8);
// to read 512 bytes of data at a time from the sdcard
char* tempstorage = (char*)malloc(512);
int i = 0;
uint32_t* firstint = (uint32_t*)tempstorage;
for (fread(tempstorage, 512, 1,sdcard); !feof(sdcard) ; )
if ( *firstint >= (uint32_t)0xffd8ffe0 && *firstint <= (uint32_t)0xffd8ffef)
if (tempjpgg != NULL)
if (tempjpgg != NULL)
sprintf(jpegname, "%03d.jpg", i);
tempjpgg = fopen(jpegname, "w");
fwrite( tempstorage, 512, 1, tempjpgg);
else if ( i != 0)
fwrite(tempstorage, 512, 1, tempjpgg);
fread(tempstorage, 512, 1, sdcard);
if (sdcard != NULL)
return 0;
makes no sense to me. Anuint32_t
however would (likeuint32_t check = *((uint32_t*) tempstorage);
, just not with scanf). You'd have to write full 512 bytes, not 508, and do not by any means fprintf. You fclose tempjpgg without checking whether one is open. Your for loop might better use!feof(sdcard)
, not without the !67
stored as those two digit characters, you'd use scanf, but if it is stored as ASCII characterC
(has value 67,'C' == 67
is true), you'd interpret it as a byte, an 8-bit integer, using functions like fread or fgetc.