I am having some major difficulties with pset6.
I have gotten my program to work perfectly as far as I can tell. However when I try to run the program through check50, I get the following error messages:
:) dictionary.c, dictionary.h, Makefile exist
:) speller compiles
:( handles most basic words properly
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\nThe\nquick\nbrown..."
:( handles min length (1-char) words
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\na\n\nWORDS MISSPE..."
:( handles max length (45-char) words
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\npneumonoultramicr..."
:( spell-checking is case-insensitive
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\nfoo\nfoO\nfOo\nFo..."
:( handles possessives properly
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\nfoo's\n\nWORDS MI..."
:( handles substrings properly
\ expected output, but not "\nMISSPELLED WORDS\n\nca\ncat\ncats\nca..."
I'm not entirely sure how to go about fixing this. I can gather there's something wrong with how the output is being printed, but I haven't done any personal modifications that I know of that would cause this.