I ran the check50 command on the terminal window for my program caesar pset2 but I am unable to understand the error message in red as follows :

:) caesar.c exists
:) caesar.c compiles
:( encrypts "a" as "b" using 1 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:( encrypts "barfoo" as "yxocll" using 23 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:( encrypts "BARFOO" as "EDUIRR" using 3 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:( encrypts "BaRFoo" as "FeVJss" using 4 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:( encrypts "barfoo" as "onesbb" using 65 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:( encrypts "world, say hello!" as "iadxp, emk tqxxa!" using 12 as key
\ expected output, but not "plaintext :  "
:) handles lack of argv[1]

2 Answers 2


If you read the specifications well, your code to get the text of the user should be:

    printf("plaintext: ");
    string s = get_string();
    printf("ciphertext: ");

Check that it matches your code, surely it will not be the same

  • I did change the prompt line for user input as "plaintext" and also "ciphertext" for output(I just had that part left as per the specifications ,sorry I didn't mention it before). But, even after changing that I am getting the same error messages. Plse help.
    – sk.76
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 6:23
  • After editing I received error message, that I have also edited in the question above . Plse check and any suggestions then plse share.
    – sk.76
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 6:45
  • The problem becomes difficult without seeing the code in this case you can publish your complete code
    – MARS
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 10:12

The key line is right here:

expected output, but not "Please enter a string of your choice :"

check50 is telling that it is expecting output but not that particular output.

I suggest going back to the pset specifications and making sure that what you print matches exactly with what is expected.

  • I did change that to "plaintext" as per the specifications but that again gives error massages that I have edited in my code in the question. Plse check and any suggestions are welcomed.
    – sk.76
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 6:43
  • @sk.76 Post a segment of your code. Without seeing that at this point it's hard to judge how best to fix whatever problem is persisting.
    – Peter
    Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 16:38

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