I had to format my C drive but I copied the whole appliance and VMware software and transferred it to another drive. When I try to open the appliance now, VMware shows me an error message saying that the appliance already having a current working directory.

1 Answer 1


Your underlying directory structure most likely changed. You should be able to reinstall just fine, or remove the old instance and create a new virtual machine pointed to your saved appliance file.

  • how do i create a new virtual machine pointing to my saved appliance file? Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 7:54
  • You can open VMWare software, but do not attempt to 'start' the old appliance. Then: Select File > Import…. Navigate your way to that appliance50-19-vmware.ova file (which is probably still in Downloads) and select it. If you no longer have the original appliance file, you can download it again here: mirror.cs50.net/appliance50/19/i386/appliance50-19-vmware.ova, or try to locate it on your machine. Click VMware Fusion’s ▶ button to start the appliance. If prompted to "upgrade this virtual machine," click Upgrade.
    – lethaljd
    Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 15:58

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