I have been working on this pset for a long time now. I feel like the real challenge in this pset is debugging and I can't seem to find out where my problem is. I have an idea that it might be in the index or load function, but I am not sure. I have been testing my functions in another file, learn.c, and it looks like they should be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When running the server.c file, I get:
Using /home/ubuntu/workspace/pset6/public for server's root
Listening on port 8080
GET / HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Segmentation fault
This is what i get when i run check50 2015.fall.pset6.server2 server.c:
:) server.c exists
:) server compiles
:( Requesting cat.jpg returns 200, image/jpeg, and correct image
:( Requesting cat.html returns 200, text/html, and correct file
:( Requesting cat2.HTML returns 200, text/html, and correct file
:( Requesting cat3.HtMl returns 200, text/html, and correct file
:( Requesting cat.gif returns 200, image/gif, and correct file
:( Requesting favicon.ico returns 200, image/x-icon, and correct file
:( Requesting test.css returns 200, text/css, and correct file
:( Requesting test.js returns 200, text/javascript, and correct file
:( Requesting hello.php returns 200, text/html, and correct output
\ expected output, not an exit code of 0
:( Requesting hello.php? returns 200, text/html, and correct output
\ expected output, not an exit code of 0
:( Requesting hello.php?name=Alice returns 200, text/html, and correct output
\ expected output, not an exit code of 0
:) Requesting /test redirects to /test/
:( Requesting /test/ outputs /test/index.html
:( Requesting directory containing index.php outputs index.php
\ expected output, not standard error of "======= Backtrace: =========\n======= M..."
:( Requesting two files in a row (cat.html then cat.jpg) succeeds
const char* lookup(const char* path)
const char c = '.';
char* ex = strrchr(path, c);
char extension[sizeof(ex)];
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(ex); i++){
extension[i] = tolower(ex[i]);
if (strcmp(extension, ".css") == 0){
return "text/css";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".html") == 0){
return "text/html";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".gif") == 0){
return "image/gif";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".ico") == 0){
return "image/x-icon";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".jpg") == 0){
return "image/jpeg";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".js") == 0){
return "text/javascript";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".php") == 0){
return "text/x-php";
else if (strcmp(extension, ".png") == 0){
return "image/png";
return NULL;
parse: (Sorry for the bad variable names, I know this is bad coding but i think the logic is working)
bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
int spaces = 0;
int temp1 = -1;
int temp2 = -1;
int staticI;
bool q = false;
char requestTarget[LimitRequestLine + 1];
char HTTPVersion[LimitRequestLine + 1];
char method[LimitRequestLine + 1];
char queryText[LimitRequestLine + 1];
memset(requestTarget, '\0', LimitRequestLine + 1);
memset(HTTPVersion, '\0', LimitRequestLine + 1);
memset(method, '\0', LimitRequestLine + 1);
memset(queryText, '\0', LimitRequestLine + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++){
if (line[i] == 32){
if (spaces == 0){
method[i] = line[i];
else if (spaces == 1){
if (temp1 == -1){
temp1 = i;
requestTarget[i-temp1] = line[i];
else if (spaces == 2){
if (temp2 == -1){
temp2 = i;
HTTPVersion[i-temp2] = line[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
// 32 is a space in ascii
if (method[i] == 32 || requestTarget[i] == 32 || HTTPVersion[i] == 32){
return false;
if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0){
return false;
// 47 is / in ascii
if (requestTarget[0] != 47){
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(requestTarget); i++){
// 34 is " in ascii
if (requestTarget[i] == 34){
return false;
// 63 is ? in ascii
if (requestTarget[i] == 63){
q = true;
staticI = i+1;
if (q){
queryText[i - staticI] = requestTarget[i];
abs_path[i] = requestTarget[i];
if (strcmp(HTTPVersion, "HTTP/1.1\r\n") != 0){
return false;
strcpy(query, queryText);
return true;
bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length)
if (file == NULL){
return false;
char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(BYTE));
for (char c = fgetc(file); c != EOF; c = fgetc(file)){
buffer = realloc(*content, sizeof(*content) + sizeof(BYTE));
*length = *length + 1;
*content = &buffer[0];
return true;
char* indexes(const char* path)
char* php = "/index.php";
char* html = "/index.html";
char* path2 = malloc(sizeof(php) + sizeof(path) + 1);
strcpy(path2, path);
strcat(path2, php);
if (access(path2, R_OK) != -1){
return path2;
strcpy(path2, path);
strcat(path2, html);
if (access(path2, R_OK) != -1){
return path2;
return NULL