:) mario.c exists
:) mario.c compiles
:) rejects a height of -1
:( handles a height of 0 correctly \ expected an exit code of 0, not output of "Input a postive between 1 and 23\n"
:( handles a height of 1 correctly \ expected output, but not "Input a postive between 1 and 23\n"
:( handles a height of 2 correctly \ expected output, but not "Thanks for the number betwen 1 and 23 ..."
:( handles a height of 23 correctly \ expected output, but not "Input a postive between 1 and 23\n"
:( rejects a height of 24, and then accepts a height of 2 \ expected output, but not "Thanks for the number betwen 1 and 23 ..."
:) rejects a non-numeric height of "foo"
:) rejects a non-numeric height of ""
// make mario jump over a pyramid
int i;
int j;
int k;
int n;
printf ("Input a postive between 1 and 23\n");
n = GetInt () ;
while (( n <= 1 ) || (n >= 23)); // input while false print poative and number 1 to 23
printf ("Thanks for the number betwen 1 and 23 \n"); // mistake (())forgot this did () instead
//begininning for loop print prymadid of hash that mario can climb
for (i = 1; i<= 4; i++)
for (k=i; k<=4; k++ ) //
printf(" ") ;
for ( j = 0 ; j <= i; j++)
printf ("#");