I have completed the load() and check() function for pset5, however, I have been facing problems as some words are not identified as misspellings such as the words "org" and "int" which are not in the dictionary. My code is able to identify most of the misspelled words except for a few such as the two mentioned.

below are my load and check codes

 * Convert character to a number from 0 to 25
int getIndex(char c)
    if(c == '\'')
        //last in dex to represent '\'''
        return 26;
    return c - 'a';

node* trieCreate() {
    node *init = NULL;

    init = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    if (init)
        init->is_word = false;

        memset(init->children, 0, sizeof(init->children));

    return init;

 * Create a new child in the trie

node* createChild()
    node *temp = malloc(sizeof(node));
    if (temp == NULL)

    temp->is_word = false;
    memset(temp->children, 0, sizeof(temp->children));
    return temp;

 * Returns true if word is in dictionary else false.
bool check(const char *word)
    node *crawler = root;
    bool flag = false;

    //printf("%s\n", word);

    // //check if word is NULL
        return false;

    //if word is empty
    if (*word == '\0') {
        return true;

    int i=0, index =0 ; 

    while (word[i] != '\0')
        index = getIndex(tolower(word[i]));
        //printf("%c\n", word[i]);

         //// if the node/character is not in Trie
        if(crawler->children[index] == 0)
            flag = false;

        if(word[i+1] != '\0')
            crawler = crawler->children[index];


    if(crawler->is_word == true && word[i] == '\0')
      flag = true;
    return flag;


 * Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false.
bool load(const char *dictionary)
    //Initialize dictionary
    root = trieCreate();

    FILE *inptr = fopen(dictionary, "r");
    if(inptr == NULL)
        printf("File could not be opened");
        return false;

    //traversal pointer

    node *trav = root;
    int index, i;

    char word[LENGTH+1];
    while(fgets(word, (LENGTH+1), inptr) != NULL)
         i = 0;
         //printf("%s\n", word);
         trav = root;
         while(word[i] != '\n')

             if(isalpha(word[i]) || word[i] == '\'' || word[i] == '\n')
                    index = getIndex(tolower(word[i]));

                    //printf("%c: %d\n", word[i], index);
                    if(trav->children[index] == 0)
                        trav->children[index] = createChild();

                    if(word[i+1] == '\n'){

                    trav = trav->children[index]; 


        trav->is_word = true;


    return true;

1 Answer 1


int is matching on in. org is matching on or. Why? Because it is checking is_word on the second-to-last letter. When check process the t in int, it will not move crawler because of if(word[i+1] != '\0') evaluates to false. When it checks is_word it will be looking in the n slot and will find true.

Things may get worse before they get better, there is a similar problem in load. It will take the break on the last letter, because word[i+1] == '\n' is true and therefore trav is still pointing to the second-to-last letter.

  • Thanks for the short and clear answer thumbs up
    – medz91
    Commented May 19, 2017 at 11:13

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