My program is almost working, I just cannot figure out why my binary search is not working. I am pretty sure that the sorting is fine. Any help would be appreciated.
:) helpers.c exists
:) helpers.c compiles
:( finds 42 in {42,43,44}
\ expected an exit code of 0, not 1
:) finds 42 in {41,42,43}
:) finds 42 in {40,41,42}
:( finds 42 in {41,42,43,44}
\ expected an exit code of 0, not 1
:) finds 42 in {40,41,42,43}
:) finds 42 in {39,40,41,42}
:) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41}
:) doesn't find 42 in {39,40,41,43}
:) finds 42 in {42,40,39,41}
my code:
* helpers.c
* Helper functions for Problem Set 3.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "helpers.h"
const int MAXX = 65536;
bool binary_search(int value, int values[], int lo, int hi);
* Returns true if value is in array of n values, else false.
bool search(int value, int values[], int n)
// TODO: implement a searching algorithm
int lo = 0;
if (binary_search(value, values, lo, n)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sorts array of n values.
void sort(int values[], int n)
// TODO: implement a sorting algorithm
if ( n > 1 ) { // while haystack is greater than 1
// counting sort, iterate through values[] and increment placement in hold[]
int hold[MAXX];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// iterate through hold[] and place values back in sorted order in values[]
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < MAXX; j++) {
if (hold[j] > 0) {
values[count] = j;
} else {
bool binary_search(int value, int values[], int lo, int hi) {
while (hi - lo > 0) { // while search parameter is still positive
// find the middle of the current array parameter
int middle = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (value == values[middle]) { // if value is found return true
return true;
} else if (value > values[middle]) { // if value is greater than the middle, set the lo to middle + 1, recursively
lo = middle + 1;
binary_search(value, values, lo, hi);
} else if (value < values[middle]) { // if value is less than the middle, set the hi to middle - 1, recursively
hi = middle - 1;
binary_search(value, values, lo, hi);
} else {
return false; // if not found at all
return false; // if search parameter is negative, meaning value was not found