This is my first question on Stack Exchange. I had a few different issues with this problem but I felt I'd finally sorted them out until I ran into this. I've been working for a number of hours today and feel like I may just be missing something obvious but I can't seem to pick it out.
Case and non-alpha characters don't seem to be an issue, and I can print out a lot of strings correctly with a lot of keys, but "barfoo" comes out as "ca" with a key of "baz," so my code gets three little frowny faces from Check50. It seems the issue is arising from the use of larger ASCII characters like "z" with other larger ASCII characters in the plaintext, but this problem isn't perfectly consistent.
Can anyone point out what I'm missing? Here's my code:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define U_REDUX 65 //used to reduce uppercase ASCII letters to values of 0-25
#define L_REDUX 97 //same but with lowercase letters
int main(int argc, string argv[])
string pt; //plaintext
string key;
int keyLength;
int wrap = 0; //to increment/wrap around the key value when adding it to each char in pt
//if (more or less than two cmdln arguments) -> error
//else -> keyLength (used to wrap around) is set to length of argv[1]
if(argc != 2)
printf ("Error 1\n");
return 1;
} else {
key = argv[1];
keyLength = strlen(key);
//check each char in key
//if (char is not an alpha) -> error
//else -> shift char's numerical value according to case
for(int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++)
if(!isalpha(key[i])) {
printf("Error 2\n");
return 1;
} else if(isupper(key[i])) {
key[i] = (key[i] - U_REDUX);
} else {
key[i] = (key[i] - L_REDUX);
printf ("plaintext: ");
pt = get_string();
printf ("ciphertext: ");
//iterate over each char in pt and print it according to the key and case
//if char is not an alpha, print it as-is, without incrementing wrap
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(pt); i++)
if(isalpha(pt[i])) {
if(isupper(pt[i])) {
pt[i] -= U_REDUX;
pt[i] += key[wrap % keyLength];
pt[i] = pt[i] % 26;
printf("%c", pt[i] + U_REDUX);
} else {
pt[i] -= L_REDUX;
pt[i] += key[wrap % keyLength];
pt[i] = pt[i] % 26;
printf("%c", pt[i] + L_REDUX);
} else {
printf ("%c", pt[i]);
printf ("\n");