For some reason, for some combinations of strings, I receive an IndexError on the compilation of Operations
. However, for most cases, the table renders properly, and in every case, running ./score
on the same strings runs perfectly.
I have tried strings of the same length, and these almost always work. I have also tried strings of differing lengths. It seems that in most cases this works, however, I tried the combination of converting grunt
into runt
, or rainy
and grain
, and vice-versa. These combinations and others like them, where there is significant overlap causes the following error:
File "/home/ubuntu/workspace/pset6/similarities/", line 68, in score
s = (prev[:i], s2[i], prev[i:])
IndexError: string index out of range
I am stumped here.
def distances(a, b):
"""Calculate edit distance from a to b"""
x = len(a) + 1
y = len(b) + 1
# helper to return the value of the first element in a tuple
def cost(cell):
return cell[0]
# Set up 2D list
matrix = []
for m in range(x):
column = []
for n in range(y):
for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
# add values for base cases
if i == 0 and j == 0:
matrix[0][0] = 0, None
elif i == 0 and j != 0:
matrix[0][j] = cost(matrix[0][j - 1]) + 1, Operation.DELETED
elif j == 0 and i != 0:
matrix[i][0] = cost(matrix[i - 1][0]) + 1, Operation.INSERTED
# fill in other entries
possibilities = [
(1 + cost(matrix[i - 1][j]), Operation.DELETED),
(1 + cost(matrix[i][j - 1]), Operation.INSERTED),
# account for difference in length of array and length of string
(cost(matrix[i - 1][j - 1]) if a[i-1] == b[j-1] else (1 + cost(matrix[i - 1][j - 1])), Operation.SUBSTITUTED) ]
matrix[i][j] = min(possibilities, key=cost)
return matrix
I would appreciate any help in pointing me in the right direction. Am I calculating something improperly??