I'm having problems with pset5 speller where the words I load into my dictionary hash table are getting overwritten. So for example if I load "Ashley", "Britney" and "Charlie" into my dictionary, all three entries will show as "Charlie". Can anyone see where my code has gone wrong?

I have created three functions, 'hash', a hashing algorithm; 'insert', which places words into each linked list; and 'load', which identifies words and calls 'insert' to place them into the dictionary.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define LENGTH 45
#define SIZE 33

typedef struct node
    char *name;
    struct node *next;

typedef node* nodeptr; 

int hash(const char *str);
void load(const char *dictionary);
void insert(char *word);

nodeptr first[SIZE] = {NULL};

int main(void)
    char *dictionary = "dictionaries/small";
    for(int c = 0; c < SIZE; c++)
        first[c] = malloc(sizeof(node));

    for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        printf("%s\n", first[i]->name);

int hash(const char *str)
    int hash = 0;
    int n;
    for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) 
        if (isalpha(str[i]))
            n = str[i] - 'a' + 1;
            n = 27;

        hash = ((hash << 3) + n) % SIZE;
    return hash;

void load(const char *dictionary)
    FILE* dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");

    char word[LENGTH + 1];
    int index = 0, c;
    while(c = fgetc(dict), c != EOF)
        if (c != '\n')
            word[index] = c;
            word[index] = '\0';
            index = 0;
    if (c == EOF)
        word[index] = '\0';

void insert(char *word)
    int h_word = hash(word);

    if (first[h_word]->name != NULL)
        nodeptr tmpptr = malloc(sizeof(node));
        tmpptr->name = word;
        tmpptr->next = first[h_word];
        first[h_word] = tmpptr;
        printf("%i\t", h_word);
        printf("%s\t%p\n", first[h_word]->name, first[h_word]->next);
        nodeptr newptr = malloc(sizeof(node));
        newptr->name = word;
        newptr->next = NULL;
        first[h_word] = newptr;
        printf("%i\t", h_word);
        printf("%s\n", first[h_word]->name);

1 Answer 1


You've declared word in your node as char * (a pointer).

tmpptr->name = word; this simply points the name member to what is currently in word. So the next time update word, name will point to the same memory.

Your node should really hold a null-terminated char array that you can copy the chars into (using strcpy), rather than a pointer.

I'd suggest that you follow the 2019 Speller problem rather than the 2018 one. In the 2019 version, you are given a bit more distribution code so you don't run into this problem. Choose the hashtable version from that link.

(the 2018 versions of psets can no longer be submitted for grades)

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