I'm having a bit of trouble in sell for pset 7. My form displays and when I click submit I am redirected to the portfolio. However, the portfolio is not changed: all my stock and cash are still the same.
Do I have to use the same variable names that I used in portfolio.php and index.php to get this to work? Or do I have to iterate over each number of a specific stock to delete each one individually?
my code for sell.php:
// configuration
//see what stock they have
$stocks = query("SELECT symbol, shares FROM user_portfolio WHERE id = ?",$_SESSION["id"]);
//if empty
apologize("You did not select a stock to sell.");
//apologize("Party up in here woot woot.");
//do a lookup for price
$price = lookup($_POST["stock"]);
//get number of shares
$number = query("SELECT shares FROM user_portfolio WHERE id = ? and symbol = ?", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["stock"]);
//get the total value of those hsres
$value = $price["price"]*$number["shares"];
//update number of shares
query("DELETE FROM user_portfolio WHERE id = ? AND symbol = ?",$_SESSION["id"], $_POST["stock"]);
//update cash value
query("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + ? WHERE id = ?",$value,$_SESSION["id"]);