OK, I've hit my first snag while taking CS50x. I manged to get Appliance50 2014 running on VirtualBox on my little Acer Aspire One. However, it is unusably slow. Hardware Virtualization is not a option. I'm running Lubuntu 14.1. I've downloaded the ISO file but I am a little lost as to how to get it installed on my empty partition /dev/sda3. I have found several tutorials online for booting the ISO from hard disk, or installing other distros -- just not certain which method will work best for Appliance50 (still fairly new to Linux).
I would prefer to go the full install route, instead of installing the individual libraries along with clang, and all the rest (as it appears others have run into some issues with that mnethod). I'd rather just boot into the Appliance and use it (more or less) as it's intended to be used as described in the course, but not in a virtual machine.
Thanks in advance for any/all help! Much appreciated.