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Why am I able to insert an element into a hash tree via Main() but not via a function call?

I'm fairly certain this has something to do with pointers and the function using copies instead, but I'm not sure how...because I've inserted the pointer as a parameter for create(); #include <...
Krishaan Khubchand's user avatar
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how effective would it have been to use an array for the dictionary?

I just completed pset5 using a trie, but I'm curious about other methods. How effective would it have been to load the dictionary into an array and then use a binary search function to locate words ...
736f5f6163636f756e74's user avatar
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How are associative arrays like hash-tables?

In week 9 lecture, David said: An associative array is one in which you can store key value pairs where the key is not necessarily a number. It could in fact be a string, a word. And so this ...
RexYuan's user avatar
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