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Pset 4 Filter (More) -- PLZ HELP

When I declare the array earlier, I end up with the wrong output. But when I declare it inside the loop, the final output is correct. Plz tell me how to explain this. The wrong one: void edges(int ...
xyj's user avatar
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Pset4 - Array declaration- Heap

In shorts of Pset4 it was mentioned, that pointers are created in heap. Does it mean, that all arrays are stored in heap?
LCK's user avatar
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Pset4 Resize.c Array Overstepping

I have been stuck on resize for a while. I am currently struggling on the vertical portion of resize. I am using the "rewrite" method as explained in the problem spec. My program does resize an image ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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Pset4 - Recover (usage of sprintf)

When I am working on Pset4 - Recover, I realize I do not understand the concept of array and pointer. Although I finally worked it out, I would be very grateful if you guys can explain the following: ...
Alex Yu's user avatar
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How to use fseek along side arrays? Pset4 recover

I'm re-wrote this code and did not get any output or error. Tried valgrind and nothing was leaked. I suspect it's either: 1) my fseek is not moving my cursor in inpt 'card.raw' 2) and/or.. because ...
olafironfoot's user avatar
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Why is my array of RGBTriple not working?

I know there are a lot of questions surrounding this topic. Read 'em, still having trouble. The common suggestion here for declaring an array of RGBTriples is something like the following: ...
Brian Poindexter's user avatar