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pset7: why do we need [0] in from of list? (e.g. someData[0]['dic']?)

Just completed pset7, gosh it was a long one, took a month! Am curious as to why we need to have a [0] in front of the list to get the "pure" data? For instance, when we get back a list while ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Array in php vs R (pset7 sell.php)

Ok, I'm at pset7 (C$50 Finance), more specifically trying to implement sell.php. I have created a template, sell_form.php, where users can select the symbol of the stock they want to sell and ...
Cyborg101's user avatar
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PHP array syntax

I am confused about why I can't print the content of $positions using the code below. $rows = query("SELECT * FROM protfolio WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]); $positions = []; foreach ($rows as $row) ...
far2go's user avatar
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pset7: understanding php arrays

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding these arrays in php. Here I want to query SQL to get me the value of cash of the user. Then I want to add it to the $position variable that is later sent to ...
Tom Lilletveit's user avatar