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2 answers

Pset3 helpers.c

i'm stuck in binary search. Check50 doesn't pass all the checks and it doesn't find the needle, I feel like the algorithm i have implemented is correct but it doesn't work. I've been stuck in this for ...
Ishark Felician's user avatar
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Pset3 Find - Not sure what is wrong with helpers.c code

I am not sure what is wrong with the code. It seems to work on some of the criteria when using cs50's check50, but does not work on others. There also does not seem to have a pattern about the wrong ...
KayZee's user avatar
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Pset3 helpers.c while loop exiting unexpectedly

I am trying to implement a binary search algorithm. However, my while loop isn't working as expected. Having used printf and debug50 with a list of 100 numbers, it seems that the while loop only gets ...
An_antelope's user avatar
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Binary search: always false when 2 or 3 numbers entered

My binary search works correctly when you enter 1,4,5,6,7 (etc)... numbers or 'haystacks'. However, when 2 or 3 numbers or 'haystacks' are entered, false is always returned. I have tried everything I ...
Iris Frenzy's user avatar