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Help with Either Command Line Argument or Arrays for Problem set 2 Caesar

I am on Problem Set 2: Caesar. Right now I'm trying to write code that first checks if the second command line argument is a int and if it does prints the integer. I got my program to compile after ...
Dre Johnson's user avatar
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Caesar : Extra random characters at the end of a char ciphertext array

I'm having a problem with an output. Sometimes output adds an extra characters, different each time the code runs. For example, when I use key "1" and write "a", it displays "...
D3sl0nG3r's user avatar
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Having Trouble using StrCpy with Command Line argument for Problem Set 2 Caesar. Trouble with Array

Hello I'm still fairly raw at this coding thing so i'm sure im making rookie mistakes. I'm doing Problem Set 2 caesar and I've hit a wall and haven't been able to move forward. What I have been trying ...
Dre Johnson's user avatar
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Having trouble identifying non-decimal digit in Caesar PSET 2

I'm working on Caesar from Problem Set 2. I have done the first step to check for a single command line argument, but I'm stuck on how to check the argument to see if any characters are non - decimal ...
Liz-Sod497's user avatar
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My code for Caesar gets segmentation error when executed, but in debugger it works fine

I'm getting a segmentation error as soon as I execute this program. I've run it through the debugger and it works fine and outputs the correct ciphertext. There's gotta be something going on in the ...
Brandon Zemel's user avatar
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In pset2, Vigenere, I made and used an array that I would like for it to be explained

I’ve successfully solved Caesar and Vigenere pset but made and used an array that I stumbled upon through trial and error but don’t exactly know why and how it worked. I’m hoping someone could clarify ...
Jovanovic's user avatar
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Caesar not getting output

I'm stuck troubleshooting what is wrong with my code. It prompts for plaintext correctly, but when entered returns a blank "ciphertext: ". # include <stdio.h> # include <cs50.h> # include ...
Beyn18's user avatar
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pset2 caesar converting from ascii to alphabetical

#include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> int main(int argc, string argv[]) { if (argc == 2) { int ...
Knovolt's user avatar