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Questions tagged [counting-sort]

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Pset 3 -> Counting Sort - need tips to find my error

What is wrong in my code? Why am I getting a segmentation fault? void sort(int values[], int n) { int aux_list[65536] = {0}; //map the count of values in the values list as the index of the aux list ...
Sherzod Abdujabborov's user avatar
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Result doesn't match expected output

I just finished the helpers.c pset, where you have to implement a counting sort and then a binary search. I havent made it recursive yet but it works in all of my own test cases. I also ran the ./...
Tod Lazarov's user avatar
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Helpers strange issues with sort

I'm having some weird issues with sort. I got the program working but for whatever reason numbers above about 53574 dont get displayed. I only found this by printing the values of the sort function ...
user440950's user avatar
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cs50x pset3 find - Need help with the counting sort

can someone please look at my code and tell me where I went wrong with my counting sort algorithm (Or binary search algorithm, if that's where the problem lies...?). Please and thank you. Binary ...
Milad's user avatar
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Pset 3: Find (more comfortable) - child exited with status 255 & exits with wrong code

I ambitiously decided to try the more comfortable version of this task, although I'm very much "less comfortable" with regard to any computer skills... Before I give up, I'd like to ask you what's ...
randomshiners's user avatar