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is_rest() and duration() bugs in helpers.c of Pset3 Music

// Helper functions for music #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "helpers.h" // Converts a fraction formatted as X/Y to ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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Pset 3 Music. Brute forced the frequency function, no syntax errors but only getting 0's for all my answers? Any Ideas?

I know my code is not clean at all. For the frequency function I just brute forced it by just starting with "what if there were only A's?" and copied that for the rest of the letters. Naturally messy ...
Ali Halawa's user avatar
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Pset3 music - load of null pointer of type 'char'

So I just finished up pset3 and when I run checks for correctness and style everything comes up good. The only issue I seem to be having is if I go to manually test with ./synthesize test.wav then ...
DylieWylie's user avatar