Questions tagged [debug]

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8 votes
2 answers

Do YOU know how to find a seg fault?? Advice to new programmers [closed]

I have noticed a rash of questions lately that are essentially this: "My code has a segmentation fault. The code compiles, many tests pass, but I can't figure out the problem!" If this is ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Debugger hangs on "listening on port 15470"

Hello I am doing trying to use the debugger in cs50 IDE. However it will always hang here on "listening to port 15470" after I click the "run" button. I have no idea what the problem is or how to ...
Andy Lyell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Debugger not working in cs50 online ide

Hi I am doing cs50 and for the past few days the debugger on the ide is not responding. Whenever i press debug with breakpoints provided it just stops at the following point: What should I do? Edit: ...
Abhishek Agarwal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

CS50/Pset3/Music, timed out while waiting for program to exit, How to debug?

Something goind wrong in the frequency function and i don't know how to debug with these many files of the programm to allocate the problem. i've made a seprate test file to just test the frequency ...
Sengo's user avatar
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