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Find's sort: instructions vs code: O(n) or O

The docs for find's sort say, The running time of your implementation must be in O(n), where n is the array’s size. Yes, linear! Keep in mind that 65,536 is a constant. However, the code that we'...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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pset3 find code works, despite 'sort' failing

I'm very confused! I have spent many (MANY) hours working through this pset. I've gotten to the point where my code passes all check50 requirements for 'find', but it's failing the 'sort' ...
Alex's user avatar
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pset3 help with find, bubble-sort and search

I've been struggling for over a week with this and can't figure out how to get my program to pass check50. I'm getting very interesting mixed results from check50: :) helpers.c exists. :) helpers.c ...
Alex's user avatar
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pset3 keeps returning 1 even when it should return 0

bool search(int value, int values[], int n) { // TODO: implement a searching algorithm if (value < 0) return false; int s = 0; int e = n - 1; int m = ((s + e) / 2); while (s <= e) { ...
AMtman's user avatar
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2 answers

PSET3 find having trouble. Can someone help?

For some reason bubble sort is not working. Can someone help. binary search bool search (int target, int array[],int length) { int end = length-1; int start = 0; while (array[start] < ...
user20243's user avatar
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CS50 Helpers.C Find Less, No Idea What's Going On

Final Code: /** * helpers.c * * Helper functions for Problem Set 3. */ #include <cs50.h> #include "helpers.h" /** * Returns true if value is in array of n values, else false. */ bool ...
R_C's user avatar
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Check 50 for find

I have gotten most of my code to work for the search and sort, but I still have a few issues. One is i my for loop, I have it set to less than 100, though I need to make it less than log n, but I ...
Joel Banks's user avatar
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How does one print out all existing integers in an int array?

The code below generates the following error: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'int *' [-Werror,-Wformat] printf("%i", array); include include int main(void) { int ...
Drusk's user avatar
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Help finding segmentation fault

In my code, I get a segmentation fault some, but not all of the times that I run it. Sometimes, it sorts the code and finds the needle, sometimes it doesn't sort correctly and ends with a segmentation ...
Joel Banks's user avatar
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pset3 helpers.c (help)

:( finds 42 in {39,40,41,42} \ expected an exit code of 0, not 1 ( it meaning I missing or have a return error??? ) bool search(int value, int values[], int n) {// ...
RedRabbit's user avatar
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pset3 find: seg fault (int array won't initialize to 0s)

Ok so I made what I believe is a counting sort. I first wrote it in Java just to test it, and it works there, but when I transferred it to CS50 IDE (of course, I modified it slightly to C syntax) it ...
ArtemPetrov's user avatar
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pset3 - find less / sort video availability

Is anyone else having issues with the sort video for pset3, under find, less comfortable? URL is:, which points to:
jumbojeta380's user avatar
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Pset3 - Find: I can't find what's wrong with my sorting algorithm...?

I have an issue with the "find" problem. When I test my program, it seems to get stuck in an infinite loop (nothing is prompted, there is just a blank space and I have to kill the program with ctrl c)....
Manon H's user avatar
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is this function correct? CS50 Pset3 (Find)

// TODO: implement an O(n^2) sorting algorithm int c,i,s; c = 0; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { if (values[i] > values[i + 1]) { s = values[i]; values[i] = values[i+1]; ...
Thunder's user avatar
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pset3 binary search won't find values when at end of array

As the title says, the program doesn't pass the check when 42 is the last element of the array. I've seen a related post about this issue but it did not give me enough to fix the problem. The code is ...
astro's user avatar
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pset3: The sort function does not return my code

I am stuck with the implementation of the sort function. I have written a code, but I can't check if the code is correct. This is what I have done thus far: void sort(int values[], int n) { for (int ...
Max's user avatar
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How to use swap?

I am currently in pset3, implementing sort. I chose to do selection sort and at the end of it I need to swap the numbers, but when I try to compile, I get this message: implicit declaration of ...
Talita Maria Briganti Barbosa's user avatar
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pset 3 GDB: "no executable file specified"

I've been working my way through CS50 and I'm having a problem I hope someone can help me with. I can't get GDB to function at all, and I think it might be a problem with startup - when I type "gdb" ...
Anja Beth S's user avatar
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Selection sort does not sort the unsorted portion once no swapping position is reached?

I've been struggling with this bug for almost 2 days, but so far no success. If anyone could point out what is wrong with my code, I would appreciate it very much. Using my own random numbers (100, ...
Yoshi Watt's user avatar