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2 answers

Pset3 (breakout) -- problems initiating score label

Below is the code I'm using to initiate the label showing the score. Unfortunately, the label doesn't appear on the screen, and I'm clueless as to why that is the case. I'd very much appreciate any ...
mathmagician's user avatar
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Breakout: How do I remove a GLabel?

I'm trying to prompt the user to click to try again after he loses a life. I have implemented this by a GLabel. I am struggling to find a way to remove that GLabel message once the user has clicked to ...
Max Winston's user avatar
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1 answer

Breakout.c: GLabel Looping

I have created a You Lose/You Win message after a player runs out of lives or hits all the bricks. However, the code I've used seems repetitive and that's always bad! I'm thinking I could put the ...
Max Winston's user avatar