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Pset 9 Finance index function, current stock price not displaying correctly

I am working on getting the proper information to display on the index page. I have one piece left, and it is displaying the current value of the stock. When I look at my output for my 'user' and '...
Rachel D's user avatar
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1 answer

Finance index function does not return lookup value in index.html

I'm trying to render my lookup values inside of my index function implementation, but I cannot get these values to render in my index.html page. I added share = lookup(record['share_symbol']) to grab ...
JackJack's user avatar
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2 answers

pset6 server fails check50

I can't find why this doesn't work, can someon help me? Thanks. My code fails the following in check50 server1: :( Requesting cat.exe returns error code 501 \ expected output, but not "HTTP/1.1 ...
Daniel P.'s user avatar