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SZZ output for Vigenere

This seems to be a faq on this problem set, although I looked at all other answers that pertained to this problem, I have been unable to fix the error. I am having trouble with one check50 spec where ...
Joseph Aaron Woodward's user avatar
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Problem with the key in vigenere

I have a problem with the keyword from vigenere. The password does not want to wrap around the text like it should. The first time it works, after that it makes mistakes.. Here is what check50 prints: ...
Kiwi's user avatar
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PSET 2 problem!

Kindly help I am not getting the required output. My code doesn't succesfully handles lack of argv[1]. Please point out the mistake. int main(int argc, string argv[]) { string key = argv[1]; ...
GreatLeo19's user avatar
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pset 2 vigenere help

I have been working on vigenere for a long time now, and here is my issue. plaintext cab with a keyword of ab returns ccbbbb. so, the plaintext is enciphering correctly but the last letter is ...
Emma H's user avatar
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vigenere almost there, problem with BaZ keyword

the code does all ok at check50, but encrypts "BaRFoo" as "CaQGon" using "BaZ" as keyword \ expected output, but not "BzREon\n" Edit: code deleted due to academic honesty
GermánSH's user avatar
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Trouble with Vigenere formula

Having an issue with my formula. I don't think it is wrapping around the key word like its supposed to. through the first pass of the keyword it seems the encoding is correct but after that it is not ...
RicochetRiot's user avatar
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Vigenere program is not working correctly!

I think the keyword is not repeating itself. Kindly help! string p = GetString(); int a; for (int i=0, n=strlen(p); i<n; i++) { if (isupper(p[i])) { ...
GreatLeo19's user avatar