Questions tagged [linux]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I can't figure out how to compile wordle on windows 10 VS code (WITH COMMAND LINE ARGS) and I can't compile at all with the CS50 library on Mint Linux

I went to the Github page for this that everyone recommends. I got an error code that there was a missing repository with curl, trying to install CS50 library. I have dual boot system. On windows 10, ...
MarkIII's user avatar
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get_string() C function not working

I just began CS50 and was trying to copy some of the examples done on the lecture video. I use opensuse tumbleweed(also a little new to it) and I had installed the cs50 c library just as the ...
christot20's user avatar
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Pong assignment, using linux Mint

I am very new to the whole world of coding so I apologize for the novice questions. I have tried starting the Pong assignment and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to open the Pong that I ...
Plantains's user avatar
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Double Tab Command Line - Partial Word - List

On my Linux command line, when I type a letter, or a group of letters (such as 'fr','nan', or 'ca'), pressing the tab key twice lists the following (using the above examples): fr: free freetype-...
Joseph Jeremiah Noonan's user avatar
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Linux Appliance for the CS50 Course

Since I am already running Linux Unbuntu will I still need to download the Linux Appliance for this course ? The reason why I am asking is I have limited hard drive space due to the fact I have a ...
Bryan Miller's user avatar
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appliance50 only shows on a blank screen in VMware

I'm running a a mid 2010 MacbookPro with OSX 10.9.4 and have installed VMware and downloaded appliance50. When I try to run it however, I don't see a desktop, just a black screen with a cursor that ...
Andrew's user avatar
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