Questions tagged [misspelling]

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Why won't my Speller correctly identify misspelled words?

See the code below. I initially had some segmentation fault issues, but now everything compiles OK and valgrind indicates no issues. However, running check50, the output indicates that my program isn'...
GreenOneDream's user avatar
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PSET5: Missing Words from Text and Memory Leaks

UPDATE: I just fixed the capitalized spell-checking errors. UPDATE 2: free didn't totally free the string "caterpillar". Look at image: My code seems to encounter a weird bug where it does ...
DigitalPancake's user avatar
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Speller - not sure what's wrong

I'm struggling trying to find what the error is or why speller is behaving the way it is. Currently, when I run help50 valgrind, I get this error message: ==8634== 56 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely ...
Hana Ali's user avatar
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PSET 5 Spell Checker - Error: Could not load dictionaries/large

I would be so grateful to anyone who can help me figure out this issue. After finally getting my code to compile I was met with the following terminal error when attempting to run the program: "...
Richard K's user avatar
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STILL baffling check50 fail for speller.c!

I am totally stumped by the following problem. My code for dictionary.c compiles with 'make' without a problem. However, when I run check50 it fails the compile test with the error at this sandbox url:...
adam kirsch's user avatar
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2 check50 error pset5

No sure where the problem is : :) dictionary.c, dictionary.h, Makefile exist :) speller compiles :( handles most basic words properly ...
ravi s's user avatar
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Pset5 dictionary.c load and check: returning all words as misspelled?

Hi guys i've been spending hours on pset5 and for some reason it's showing all words as misspelled, i've checked ppl asking similar question but still couldn't get an answer, any suggestions would be ...
Ada Zhang's user avatar
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PSET5 All words misspelled (trie structure)

When I run debugger, this part "if (!next->children[m])" is almost always true even though I can see that they are not null in the gdb panel. I have not got to implement the last two functions yet. ...
Zack Light's user avatar
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PSET5 : My program outputs wrong number of misspelled words

#define MAXH 145709 int total_words = 0; typedef struct node { char word[LENGTH + 1]; struct node* next; }node; node *hashtable[MAXH]; // djb2 by Dan Bernstein unsigned long hash(unsigned ...
Himanshu Singh's user avatar
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Segmentation fault..Please Help

can anyone have a look at my code, find the problem and suggest improvements. im getting segmentation fault after calling 'check' function. typedef struct trie { bool word; struct trie* link[27];...
Suhas S's user avatar
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PSET 5: Dictionary.c, Trie structure, Check/Load, All words misspelled

I know there are some similar questions, but I can't figure this out. I have checked my check program by running printf functions through it, and it does iterate through all the letters properly (for ...
Saar Hoek's user avatar
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Speller doesn't work, all words misspelled, segmentation fault

I just can't get my speller program to work. I have been troubleshooting for several days with gdb, valgrind, testing different options etc. but I still have two basic problems. All words are ...
Nic's user avatar
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pset5 misspelling check50 fails while the results are the same as stuff's on all texts

The program I wrote (see below) gives correct (fast and identical to stuff's) solutions on all texts I tried (at least 5). However, check50 gives a following error while failing "handles possessives ...
Irina's user avatar
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pset5 all words mispelled

All the words are coming back as misspelled and I can't figure out why? #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h>...
Elliot Berdy's user avatar
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check50 showing unexpected end of input

I have checked my output with staff output using diff function and was getting same output although the first time I ran check50 it gave ":(" to all conditons except the existing and compiling ones ...
Salil Jain's user avatar
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All words are misspelled even with the dictionary is loaded. Help?

Im not quite sure what is the problem with checking the words in the dictionary against loaded texts. All words within in the loaded txts return mispelled even with my dictionary loaded with the right ...
foreodessa's user avatar
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PSET5 dictionary.c getting all words misspelled

i have been working on it for weeks now but for the past few days i have been just trying to find an error.. My program is returning all the words as misspelled.. any help would be highly appreciated ...
Muhammad Shahzad Bajwa's user avatar
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pset5 dictionary.c check or load issue

I can't figure out what is the problem. Please help me. Sorry for posting my check and load functions. But as I understand the problem can be in check or in load. I'm using trie: bool check(...
Yana Mikhnich's user avatar
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pset5 load doesn't compile

I am working on pset5 load but it doesn't compile. Could you have a look at my code? /** * Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false. */ bool load(const char* dictionary) ...
Ervin's user avatar
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Running check50 pset5 speller problem

I`ve gotten the program to work, have not modified speller.c or the make file and no new includes. I`m getting identical results to the staffs version But when I run check50 I get the following ...
Shauny's user avatar
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PSET5 load function incomplete large dictionary load (Segmentation Fault)

I've tested my code extensively and it successfully loads the dictionary to the chained hashtable with both the small dictionary and with a subsection of the large dictionary, but when I try to load ...
Fede B's user avatar
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PSET5 Speller: trouble with mispellings and tolower()

I am very close to getting my dictionary to word correctly, but I am having a small hiccup in my check function. In order to compare the word given in the check function to the dictionary, I first ...
Daniel Smith's user avatar
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Pset5 dictionary.c is not producing correct output

I've implemented my load and check functions using tries. The program works fine and produces the output, but when I compared it against the output from staff's implementation, I found out that there ...
Aditya Sharma's user avatar
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What effect does #undef have on header files?

I was hoping someone could explain the purpose of #undef in the mispelling problem set? I read an explanation, i just wanted to know now if the #undef effects the definitions defined in sys/resource.h ...
Gibb Johnson's user avatar
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how to check if just the load function is implemented correctly?

I've just started this pset and only implemented load. So how do I know if my load function actually loads the dictionary and there are words in the hashtable without implementing the other functions ...
VishG's user avatar
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Misspellings fails on substrings

I keep getting the error in check50 for substrings ( I have ran examples using test dictionaries and text and can't duplicate the ...
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using a struct in pset5 misspelling

I tried using the struct shown as described in the lecture but it come up with a problem. typedef struct node { bool is_word; struct node* address[27]; } node; ...
biggrey54's user avatar