Questions tagged [register.php]

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register.php in Problem Set 7 - How to let user enter cash other than 10000.0000

For register.php, how do I handle situations where the user enters a value other than 10,000.0000 for cash? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if it seems like I just want the answer on a ...
Osman Zakir's user avatar
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undo a permission change

In pset7 my register.php was working fine until I executed chmod 600 register.php after which register_form isn't opening anymore. It shows the following error: Is there a way to undo a permission ...
Pranjal Sharma's user avatar
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Pset7: Undefined offset in register.php

This pset is confusing and I'm completely lost. How can I fix this bug? Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/ubuntu/workspace/pset7/public/register.php on line 39 The code: // Check if the ...
Kevin King's user avatar
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Pset7: add an additional field of type password called confirmation to the HTML form

What am I supposed to do here? I'm bombarded with new concepts by pset7 spec and completely lost. Thanks in advance.
Kevin King's user avatar
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1 answer

PSET7 Register not redirected to index.php

I am having some issues getting redirected to index.php after adding the user to the database. Everything seems to be running just fine but I am not being redirected. Do I have to implement more parts ...
Zach B's user avatar
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Password confirmation error

I am getting the following error when I re-type the password into the confirmation field, when I want to register a new user in the CS50 Finance database in phpMyAdmin. I have carefully re-typed ...
Mark Edwards's user avatar
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2 answers

problem with register.php

i am doing register.php and i am completely stuck on this, i have tried everything i could but still getting fatal errors. I have attached the errors i get when trying to register a new user. and ...
Mikhail Vishnevskiy's user avatar