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pset3 (runoff) keep getting print_winner error when using check50

I keep getting these errors when running check50 on my runoff program: print_winner prints name when someone has a majority print_winner did not print winner of election print_winner returns ...
rassenguy's user avatar
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cs50 pset3 runoff tabulate

i have completed the problem set however when i check, this is the only problem. :) tabulate counts votes when all candidates remain in election :) tabulate counts votes when one candidate is ...
yui's user avatar
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Trouble with vote function

I can't get the vote function in Runoff to work properly. Can anyone help explain what I am doing wrong here? bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) { for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++) ...
getsendy's user avatar
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pset3 print_winner (prints name when someone has a majority)

I tried in two ways to show the winner of the election, and both testing manually are giving the correct result, but when testing by "check50" the message always appears: :( print_winner prints name ...
Hideo's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff - How to record name and rank in the Preferences Array?

Hi if anyone can guide me in the right direction to record name & rank in the preferences array? I don't have any clue how to even utilize the int vote and int rank in the bool parentheses of the ...
yoyo Ahmed's user avatar
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(!vote) in runoff [pset3]

I am having real difficulty understanding how calling the vote function for valid votes in runoff is supposed to work. The relevant part of the distribution code is as follows: // Record vote, unless ...
danieljmoore3's user avatar
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PSET3 Runoff Help Please

for(m = 0; m < voter_count; m++) { for(t = 1; t < 4; t++) { string name = get_string("Rank %i: ", t); } printf("\n"); } } bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) { ...
iliketurtlz's user avatar
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tabulate doesn't count votes when multiple candidates are eliminated

for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++) { // vote for top-preferred candidate if possible if (candidates[preferences[i][0]].eliminated == false) { candidates[preferences[i][0]]....
Ash's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff bool function

I don't understand what the parenthesis after bool vote function is for. bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) It could have been (void), what purpose does it serve here? Please make my ...
yoyo Ahmed's user avatar
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pset 3 runoff help again

I still dont know what to put in for loop :( I still dont know what to put in the for loop for(int k = 0; k < voter_count; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < candidate_count; j++) { ...
iliketurtlz's user avatar
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runoff tabulate error :( tabulate counts votes when multiple candidates are eliminated

void tabulate(void) { for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++) //as long as the number of total voters has not been met; this increases which voter we are on { int j = 0; ...
mushie2's user avatar
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Trouble with tabulate and printwinner

I'm having a hard time with the runoff problem in pset3, especially with the tabulate function. Based on the instructions it looks like I need to update the preferences array but I'm not sure how. I'm ...
getsendy's user avatar
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Pset 3 Min function need some help

So my min code works, except it ignores the eliminate function. Can someone please show me where my logic is wrong? Thanks. int find_min(void) { int min = voter_count; int h = 0; for (int i = 0; i ...
Dave's user avatar
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pset3 runoff help -> 3 :( showing on check50

I'm getting the following fails when I check pset3 runoff (all the rest are coming up as correct) :( tabulate counts votes when multiple candidates are eliminated tabulate function did not produce ...
Ian Samir Yep Manzano's user avatar
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check50 errors - runoff

I've been trying to resolve these myself for too long - I'm officially stuck These are the check50 errors I get: :( tabulate counts votes when multiple candidates are eliminated :( find_min ignores ...
Alex Shevchenko's user avatar
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Pset3 - runoff - print_winner and find_min error

After I checked my code using check50 cs50/problems/2021/x/runoff, I received the following error messages for my bool print_winner(void) function and int find_min(void) function as follows :( ...
shaneinei's user avatar
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PSET 3 Runoff Error: variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope

I realize that this code is not well designed, however I will try to solve that once my code can compile. #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct { ...
Ansar Sherkhanov's user avatar
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PSET3 runoff 2020

I have some trouble with PSET3 2020 runoff: in Specification: Complete the implementation of runoff.c in such a way that it simulates a runoff election. You should complete the implementations of ...
saquiel's user avatar
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runoff bool is_tie

Feel really stuck in my is_tie function, check50 returns errors... :( is_tie returns true when election is tied is_tie did not return true :( is_tie returns false when election is not tied ...
Anna's user avatar
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PSET3 Runoff Vote Function

I'm having trouble understanding how to write this vote function. I understand what I wrote is incorrect because I am assigning a struct to an array of ints but I can't understand how I'm supposed to ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Runoff Help: Tabulate Handles Multiple Rounds of Preferences

I cannot figure out why I am getting rejected on check50 for ":( tabulate handles multiple rounds of preferences - tabulate function did not produce correct vote totals". I get green ...
Hunter's user avatar
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Check50 all green but my own tests fail

I completed Runoff with 100% pass in check50 but when i do my own tests i get wrong winners. I checked everything to the best of my abilities but i just can't find the problem and it's driving me ...
VanG's user avatar
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RUNOFF PSET3 - bool is_tie(int min) function gives an error in Check50 unable to remove

I have tried a number of ways to execute the code in bool is_tie function; however, I always seem to receive the same error in check50. I have run the code through debug50 and it seems to work ...
Christopher White's user avatar
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Pset3 runoff: why does the is_tie function work one way but the inverse does not?

I completed the problem set runoff and finally got it after initially way overthinking. I often find myself just needing to invert/revert logic on these problem sets which is frustrating because I ...
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PSET 3 runoff is_tie function

New to this platform, forgive me if there are some norm or etiquette I may be missing. Please feel free to provide feedback on anything that is incorrect. This is for the is-tie function alone. I ...
x code's user avatar
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pset3 runoff tabulate function not knowing where to start

Is it required to eliminate candidates within the tabulate function? How should we recognize when a candidate is eliminated and how do we go about increasing vote count catering for eliminated ...
turbulenttangles's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff CS50x

I have been trying to debugg the program for a while but am not able to figure out what the error in line 9 is as this was the code provided by the courses and I didn't make any changes. Any help ...
user01's user avatar
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Vote indexing problem

my code works well in indexing all votes in the preferences except for the first one, I tried debugging and it worked well for all indexes including the first one..!
Mohamed Hassan's user avatar
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CS50 - pset3 - Runoff | Check50 failing print_winner on majority but works correctly for any manual test I can think of

I'm having trouble with getting Runoff to complete Check50. All checks are passing except the two below for the print_winner function :( print_winner prints name when someone has a majority Cause ...
user3638166's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff is_tie

Having issues with Check 50 and the is_tie function: :( is_tie returns false when only some of the candidates are tied is_tie did not return false :( is_tie detects tie after some candidates have ...
Pot Noodle's user avatar
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Tabulate not working when more than 1 candidate is eliminated

Here is my Tabulate Function - void tabulate(void) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++) { if (candidates[preferences[i][j]].eliminated == 1) { ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
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Please help me by reviewing my logic for Tabulate in Runoff Pset3

Let's say 3 candidates were their initially and A and B got 2 votes each while C got 1 hence C should be eliminated then in the next round we need to see the second preference votes right? As the ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
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pset 3 Runoff Where is my code wrong?

I have written the functions but I am not sure which one is wrong as I am not getting any output Here is my code: // Record preference if vote is valid bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) { ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
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Tabulate in Runoff

Finally took a break for a few days to think about stuff and I am back at doing psets Now I am trying to fix the tabulate function, here's my code - void tabulate(void) { for (int i = 0; i < ...
FoundABetterName's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff Find Min not Coded Properly - Can't Find Error

The way I have coded it, I believe my min should be set correctly, but when I try to run it, the check50 says it's wrong. I tested it by printing my min at various points in the code, and it is not ...
user29490's user avatar
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Pset 3 runoff. Votes not updating, trying to understand the code sequencing

Ok so im stuck on the tabulate funtion in runoff for pset3. The issue im having is that when i call to "printf" the candidates vote counts the votes still come out as 0. So i dont think the ...
Pot Noodle's user avatar
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Pset3 Runoff tabulation issues

I am so close to a successful runoff program, but I've been having issues with the tabulation section. I decided that this was a good place to implement a recursive function, but it is a new concept ...
Max Lunifeld's user avatar
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pset 3 runoff find_min - where is my logic failing ? - the check gives and error saying it doesn`t find the correct min

int find_min(void) { int min = voter_count; for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++) { if (candidates[i].eliminated == false && candidates[i].votes < min) { min = ...
andream's user avatar
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Printing to stdout? (PSET3, RUNOFF)

In the specification for the print_winner function it says: If any candidate has more than half of the vote, their name should be printed to stdout and the function should return true. My solution ...
TheRealJaboo's user avatar
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PSET3 Runoff - tabulate() function for multiple eliminated candidates

I'm working on the tabulate() function, and to an extent the is_tie() function The tabulate() function passes all the tests of check50 but the last one: :( tabulate counts votes when multiple ...
Xavier Villà Aguilar's user avatar
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PSET3 Runoff check50 help

My code can compile and passes all the check50 except for this 2: 1) :( print_winner prints name when someone has a majority print_winner did not print winner of election 2) :( print_winner ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Vote returns false no matters what

bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) { for(int n = 0; n == candidate_count - 1; n++) { if(strcmp(name, candidates[n].name) == 0) { n = preferences[voter][...
MangaMole's user avatar
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pset3 Runoff help

My code compiles but the only functions that had no errors are the print_winner and eliminate functions. I have tried to solve the errors for the other functions with no luck. My errors with the ...
ayeeitsalpha's user avatar
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what is the significance of break; in tabulate function?

I know break statements are pretty basic, but it's got me here: This is my function: for (int i = 0; i < voter_count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < candidate_count; j++) { if (...
Musical_Ant's user avatar
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i can't get the vote function in runoff right

Here's the function i wrote: bool vote(int voter, int rank, string name) { int t = 0; int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++) { int x = strcmp(candidates[i]....
Musical_Ant's user avatar
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pset 3: 2 problems in runoff pointed by check50

My functions codes git link Here are my errors and my function codes in a git link (thanks folks for the feedbacks). I just don´t get what´s going on here, maybe i´m missing a detail, but it does ...
Matheus Lourenço's user avatar
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PSET3 Runoff - Tabulate

my tabulate function is storing votes from the preferences array, but problem arising when multiple candidates are eliminated check50 shows error there. Please help me with this, and tell me what is ...
yoyo Ahmed's user avatar
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Why does runoff not stop running?

So when I run my code it does not stop running ~/pset3/runoff/ $ ./runoff mike john Number of voters: 3 Rank 1: john Rank 2: mike Rank 1: john Rank 2: mike Rank 1: mike Rank 2: ...
Chris's user avatar
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vote function not able to assign getting error in runoff

[ Hi, i would like to set preference table but not able to set particular candidates evry time i am trying to change and set this i am getting different error. Any thought on this.
mann__10's user avatar
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Tabulate and find_min functions in runoff

I am having difficulty seeing where I am going wrong here with my tabulate and find-min functions. I have been checking the other functions, which execute properly, as I go along. Any direction or ...
Jeff's user avatar
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