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pset 9 finance :( sell page has all required elements

i searched around for this type of error and looked at my code, but was not able to figure it out. I had something very similar when debugging the buy function and used a similar process for the sell ...
Xenoshell's user avatar
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can't seem to figure out the problem with the sell route code

can't seem to figure out the problem with the sell route code that check50 indicates this is my sell route code: @app.route("/sell", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @...
Michael's user avatar
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pset7 sell: can not make drop down menu work

i can not get why drop down menu does not work. It seems that the list is empty, but when I check it in another program, it contains information as expected. I just don't get why the dorpdown list is ...
andy's user avatar
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Jinja2 + Python error "TypeError: non-empty format string passed to object.__format__"

I tried to implement sell, but there's a problem in the index template that came up when the website tried to redirect from sell.html to index.html after the sail of stocks was done. For reference, ...
Osman Zakir's user avatar