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2017 pset8 mashup: Slow search - how to improve search performance?

I have successfully implemented search in Though ss I was testing through the app, I noticed that every search was really slow. It's turns out that every search request was from 63KB ...
johnlock1's user avatar
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Pset8 no such column: postal_code

I am trying to perform simple search in mashup.db database db.execute( "SELECT * FROM places WHERE postal_code = :q",q=request.args.get("q")) However I am getting RuntimeError: (sqlite3....
Austris's user avatar
1 vote
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SQL search multiple columns with priority

I'm trying to implement the search in pset8 and want to find the most elegant and fast solution. The way I have implemented it is to first of all check whether the search term is an int, and if so, ...
Steve Bunting's user avatar