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Pset6 problem in indexes and load function.

Check 50 returns a lot of errors My load function

             * Loads a file into memory dynamically allocated on heap.
             * Stores address thereof in *content and length thereof in *length.
            bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length)
                if(file == NULL)
                        return false;
                //Allocate memory on heap
                BYTE* buffer = malloc(sizeof(BYTE)*1000);
                *content = NULL;
                int  count = 0;
                int c;
                //Read characters from file
               while((c=fgetc(file))!= EOF)
                    if( count%1000 == 0)
                            buffer = (BYTE* )realloc(buffer, sizeof(BYTE)*(1000 +count));
                *content = buffer    ;
                *length = count;
            return true;
    My indexes function
     * Checks, in order, whether index.php or index.html exists inside of path.
     * Returns path to first match if so, else NULL.
    char* indexes(const char* path)
     char* php = "/index.php";
     char* html = "/index.html";
     char* path2 = NULL;
     //Check if path to php exists
     if(access(path2, F_OK) == 1)
            return path2;
        //Check if path to html exists
            if(access(path2,F_OK) == 1)
                    return path2;
                    return NULL;

My parse and lookup function(Got it corrected through check50 test 1)
 * Returns MIME type for supported extensions, else NULL.
const char* lookup(const char* path)
    const char ch = '.';
    //Stores string after the .
    char* end =  strchr(path,ch);
    //Initialize string for storing the return value
    char* ret;
    //Check the file extension 
    if(strcasecmp(end,"css") == 0)
         ret = "text/css";
         return ret;
    if(strcasecmp(end,"html") == 0)
         ret = "text/html";
         return ret;
    if(strcasecmp(end,"gif") == 0)
        ret = "image/gif";
        return ret;
    if(strcasecmp(end,"ico") == 0)
         ret = "image/x-icon";
         return ret;
    if(strcasecmp(end,"jpg") == 0)
        ret = "image/jpeg";
        return ret;
    if(strcasecmp(end,"js") == 0)
         ret = "text/javascript";
         return ret;
     if(strcasecmp(end,"php") == 0)
            ret = "text/x-php";
            return ret;
     if(strcasecmp(end,"png") == 0)
            ret = "image/png";
            return ret;
       return NULL;

 * Parses a request-line, storing its absolute-path at abs_path 
 * and its query string at query, both of which are assumed
 * to be at least of length LimitRequestLine + 1.
bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
    // TODO
   /* Request-line consists of method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF*/
    //The request target consists of the absolute path and the query in this form : absolute-path [ "?" query ]
    //We will use strtok to store tokens in different strings
    //Referenced from stackoverflow and
    //Copy the line into  a new string
    char *l = strdup(line);
    //Token to store method
    char* method = strtok(l, " ");
    //Token to store request target
    char *request = strtok(NULL," ");
    //Store the HTTP version in a token
    char* http = strtok(NULL,"\r\n ");
   //Store the absolute path in a token
   char* abs_path1 = strtok(request,"?");
   //Store the query after ? in a token
   char* query1 = strtok(NULL,"?");
   if(query1 == NULL)
     query1 = "";
    if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0)
        return false;
    if (strchr(query, '"'))
        return false;
    if (request[0] != '/')
        return false;
    if (strstr(request, "/ ") != 0)
        return false;
    if (strcmp(http, "HTTP/1.1") != 0)
        return false;
    return true;    