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Fifteen - help please, I can't find the problem in my code for move and won

I'm still at the first move to understand what is going wrong. If my first tile to move is the number work, it does work, so 3 and - swap, but the game show me ftw! ??? and when I move for the first time.... some numbers just become - without swap and some legal move are saying illegal and some illegal are swtiching -. I spend many hours changes things to try to find the source of the problem, please help me to understand when is or are my mistakes ? tks. Here are the results when I run the check50 : :) fifteen.c exists :) fifteen.c compiles :) init initializes 3x3 board correctly :) init initializes 4x4 board correctly :( 3x3 board, move blank up twice \ expected prompt for input, not exit code of 0 :( 3x3 board, move blank left twice \ expected "1" character 5 of line 7, not "0":( 3x3 board, move blank left then right \ expected "1" character 5 of line 7, not "0":( 3x3 board, move blank up then down \ expected prompt for input, not exit code of 0 :( 3x3 board, move up-up-left-down-down-left-up-up-right-down-down-right \ expected prompt for input, not exit code of 0 :( 3x3 board, from start try to move tile 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 \ expected "2" character 1 of line 7, not "0":( 3x3 board, move blank left (tile 1) then up (tile 4), then try to move tiles 1, 2, 6, 8 \ expected "1" character 5 of line 7, not "0":( 3x3 board, move blank up (tile 3), then try tile 2 \ expected prompt for input, not exit code of 0 :| 3x3.txt wins the 3x3 board \ can't check until a frown turns upside down :| 4x4.txt wins the 4x4 board \ can't check until a frown turns upside down.
And here are my codes : `void init(void) { //represent the total numbers of tiles which correspond the variable d entered int total_tiles = (d * d) - 1;

 //set a value for each tile  
 //iterate for each row and column  
for (int i= 0; i < d; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)
         // set value in descending way, left to right, top to bottom
        board[i][j] = total_tiles; 
        total_tiles --;

 //reverse when d is even, reverse numbers 2 and 1  
if (d % 2 == 0)
        board[d - 1][d - 3] = 1;
        board[d - 1][d - 2] = 2;

} /**

  • Prints the board in its current state. */ void draw(void) { // iterate for each row and column for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {

         //print the value of each tile with a space before each numbers
         if (board[i][j] > 0)
             printf("%2d", board[i][j]);
          // print blank space with a symbol  
         if (board[i][j] == 0) 
             printf(" -");

    } }


  • If tile borders empty space, moves tile and returns true, else

  • returns false. */ bool move(int tile) //int tile is number choosen to move by the player { int i = 0; // row
    int j = 0; // column int blank = 0; // blank's position

    // find the location of the number choosen by player for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (j = 0; j < d; j++) { //find blank's tile location if (board[i][j] == 0)
    { blank = board[i][j]; }

         if (board[i][j] == tile)
              //check if tile's location is a legal move from the blank's tile
             if (i - 1 >= 0)
                 if (board[i - 1][j] == blank) // if blank is above tile 
                      // swap the blank's tile and the tile 
                     int tmp = board[i][j]; 
                     board[i][j] = board[i - 1][j];
                     board[i - 1][j] = tmp;
                     return true;
             if (i + 1 < d)
                 if (board[i + 1][j] == blank) // if blank is top tile 
                     int tmp = board[i][j];
                     board[i][j] = board[i + 1][j];
                     board[i + 1][j] = tmp;
                     return true;
             if (j + 1 >= 0)
                 if (board[i][j - 1] == blank) // if blank is above left to
                     int tmp = board[i][j];
                     board[i][j] = board[i][j - 1];
                     board[i][j - 1] = tmp;
                     return true;
             if (j - 1 < d)
                 if (board[i - 1][j] == 0) // if blank is right to tile 
                     int tmp = board[i][j];
                     board[i][j] = board[i - 1][j];
                     board[i - 1][j] = tmp; 
                     return true;

    } return false; }


  • Returns true if game is won (i.e., board is in winning configuration),
  • else false.{ */ bool won(void) { for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < d - 1; j++) { if (board[d - 1][d -1] == 0) { if (board[i][j + 1] < board[i][j]) return false; } } } return true;
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