I am doing the little professor problem set. Here is my code:
import random

def main():
    l = get_level()
    score = 0
    for i in range(10):
        n1 = generate_integer(l)
        n2 = generate_integer(l)
        guesses = 3
        while guesses > 0:
            guess = input(str(n1)+" + "+str(n2)+" = ")
            if guess == str(n1 + n2):
                score += 1
                guesses -= 1
        if guesses == 0:
            print(str(n1)+" + "+str(n2)+" = "+str(n1+n2))
    print("Score: "+str(score))

def get_level():
    while True:
        l = input("Level: ")
        if l.isnumeric():
            if 0 < int(l) <= 3:
                return int(l)

def generate_integer(level):
    if level == 1:
        return random.randrange(0, 9)
    elif level == 2:
        return random.randrange(10, 99)
        return random.randrange(100, 999)

if __name__ == "__main__":
And my checks look like:
:) professor.py exists
checking that professor.py exists...

:) Little Professor rejects level of 0
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input 0...
checking that input was rejected...

:) Little Professor rejects level of 4
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input 4...
checking that input was rejected...

:) Little Professor rejects level of "one"
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input one...
checking that input was rejected...

:) Little Professor accepts valid level
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input 1...
checking that program exited with status 0...
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input 2...
checking that program exited with status 0...
running python3 testing.py get_level...
sending input 3...
checking that program exited with status 0...

:) At Level 1, Little Professor generates addition problems using 0–9
running python3 testing.py main...
sending input 1...
checking for output "6 + 6 ="...

:) At Level 2, Little Professor generates addition problems using 10–99
running python3 testing.py main...
sending input 2...
checking for output "59 + 63 ="...

:) At Level 3, Little Professor generates addition problems using 100–999
running python3 testing.py main...
sending input 3...
checking for output "964 + 494 ="...

:( Little Professor generates 10 problems before exiting

timed out while waiting for program to exit
running python3 testing.py main...
sending input 1...
sending input 12...
sending input 4...
sending input 15...
sending input 10...
sending input 12...
sending input 12...
sending input 10...
sending input 6...
sending input 10...
sending input 12...

:| Little Professor displays number of problems correct

can't check until a frown turns upside down
:| Little Professor displays EEE when answer is incorrect

can't check until a frown turns upside down
:| Little Professor shows solution after 3 incorrect attempts

can't check until a frown turns upside down 
It looks like my code is not generating ten problems before exiting. However when I test my code it generates ten problems and displays my score. Yet I am still not passing the check.

Any ideas would be appreciated!