so complete rookie i saw functions from other peoples code n stuff #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> int main(void) { int h,i,s,k; //get user input and follow limitations do{ printf ("height: "); h = GetInt(); }while ((h<0)||(h>23)); //start one counter to end printing after achieving height //second conter (s) for spaces on individual lines //third counter (k) for hashes/sharps //then print new line for(i=0,i<=h,i++); { for(s=0,s<(h-i-1),s++); { printf(" "); } for(k=0,k<(i+2),k++); { printf("#"); } printf("\n"); } return(0); } and then an overwhelming response of 12 errors mainly for for condition and it's semi colon and loop breaker condition and pretty sure more to come please help this is getting scary