i have trouble with the height value : when i enter Height of 1 or 25 (where Height must be higher than 1 and not higner than 23), it does print the error message but it also print the pyramid. What i am doing wrong, that the break doesn't work ?  tks  
Here the error : 

~/workspace/pset6/ $ python mario.py 
Height: 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
enter Height value between 1 and 23


Here the code 
import cs50

def main():
    print("Height: ", end="")
    Height = cs50.get_int()

    while True:
        if Height > 1 or Height < 23:
            print("enter Height value between 1 and 23")

    for i in range (Height):
        print(" "*(Height-i-1), end="")
        print("#"*(i+2), end=")
        # print newline

if __name__ == '__main__':