At first, I thought this was because my code was spitting out `419` when it multiplied `4.2` by `100`. I fixed this issue, but I'm still getting the `"\ expected output, but not..."` It's showing me some odd stuff on that error after the `"but not"`. It should say just `"Give the customer %d coin(s)."` The error is showing me: <!-- language: lang-none --> "41\n1\n2\n3\n4\nGive...", "1\n0\n0\n0\n1\nGive...", "15\n0\n1\n2\n2\nGive...", "160\n6\n7\n7\n7\nGive...", "2300\n92\n92\n92\n92\nGive...", and "420\n16\n18\n18\n18\nGive..." It shows this for `0.41`, `0.01`, `0.15`, `1.6`, `23`, `4.2`. It does end the phrase but has those weird bits of something at the beginning. It only gives this, though, when I run check50. By itself, the program runs perfectly and gives the right answer. What might be causing this? Is it a general issue with check50 or is there probably actually something seriously wrong? Thanks!