I can't access ide50-username.cs50.io. Please, take a look at my chmod commands. I have done them 3 times, and at the third run I have decided to do each one separately to make sure each one is correct.  I get 

    You don't have permission to access / on this server.
    Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at ide50-username.cs50.io Port 443

    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 700 ~/workspace/pset8/bin
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 700 ~/workspace/pset8/bin/import
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 700 ~/workspace/pset8/includes
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 700 ~/workspace/pset8/vendor
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 711 ~/workspace/pset8/public
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 711 ~/workspace/pset8/public/css
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 711 ~/workspace/pset8/public/fonts
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 711 ~/workspace/pset8/public/img
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 711 ~/workspace/pset8/public/js
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 600 ~/workspace/pset8/includes/*.php
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 600 ~/workspace/pset8/public/*.php                                                                                                      
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 644 ~/workspace/pset8/public/css/*
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 644 ~/workspace/pset8/public/fonts/*
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 644 ~/workspace/pset8/public/img/*
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 644 ~/workspace/pset8/public/index.html
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ chmod 644 ~/workspace/pset8/public/js/*
    ~/workspace/pset8/ $ apache50 start ~/workspace/pset8/public

But I can access phpmyadmin and have created the required table pset8.places.

I didn't have any such issues during pset7; pset7 files worked, except for the one that contained email sending code; though I am still figuring out how to run pset7 on my machine.  

I will be grateful for support on this issue. Thank you very much!

 **UPDATE1:** @Matt Obert I am sorry for posting the results in comments (will delete those now) - I should have figured out that updates are the best way to post code blocks ) I understand how vexing my mistake is. Sorry. 

The answer to Problem One "Permission on config.json": my mistake, I have not posted the corrected permission of 640, which I have set to config.json after you have recommended it a few days ago; thus config.json has had rw-r-- persmissions when I performed the rest of tests. 

    -rw-r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  137 Nov  5  2015 config.json

**UPDATE2:** I have checked all permissions once again, compared them with your ones, and have made few corrections. 

    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l / |grep home
    drwxr-xr-x   13 root root  4096 Dec  8  2015 home/
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home |grep ubuntu
    drwxr-xr-x 21 ubuntu ubuntu  4096 Aug 17 09:12 ubuntu/
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu |grep workspace
    drwxrwxr-x 15 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 15 08:26 workspace/
    ~/workspace/ $ chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/workspace
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu |grep workspace
    drwxr-xr-x 15 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Aug 15 08:26 workspace/
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu/workspace |grep pset8
    drwx------ 6 ubuntu ubuntu    4096 Nov  5  2015 pset8/
    -rw--w---- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     688 Aug 14 11:53 pset8.sql
    ~/workspace/ $ chmod 755 /home/ubuntu/workspace/pset8
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu/workspace |grep pset8
    drwxr-xr-x 6 ubuntu ubuntu    4096 Nov  5  2015 pset8/
    -rw--w---- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     688 Aug 14 11:53 pset8.sql
    ~/workspace/ $  
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu/workspace/pset8
    total 20
    drwx------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  7  2014 bin/
    -rw-r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  150 Aug 17 08:16 config.json
    drwx--x--x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  5  2015 includes/
    drwx--x--x 6 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  5  2015 public/
    drwx--x--x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct 26  2015 vendor/
    ~/workspace/ $ 
    ~/workspace/ $ ls -l /home/ubuntu/workspace/pset8/public
    total 32
    -rw-r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  422 Nov  5  2015 articles.php
    drwx--x--x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  5  2015 css/
    drwx--x--x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  5  2015 fonts/
    drwx--x--x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  7  2014 img/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1823 Nov  5  2015 index.html
    drwx--x--x 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov  6  2015 js/
    -rw-r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  374 Nov  5  2015 search.php
    -rw-r----- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1526 Nov  5  2015 update.php
    ~/workspace/ $ apache50 start ~/workspace/pset8/public

Bingo! I see the map! ))) Such a relief )
@Matt Obert Thank you very very much for helping me out! Thank you for your time and your effort. What's also important thanks to you I have learned a few new tools.