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The problem set for Week 5 will challenge you to apply what you've learned about pointers, memory management, file i/o and structs, creating more complex data structures (such as Hash Tables or Tries) and leveraging their power to write a lightning-fast spell check algorithm.

1 vote

pset5 commenting codes adding unnecessary running time??

The number of lines marked as comment does not affect the run time of your program. Submissions are graded by whether or not they pass all the tests, run time does not affect your final grade. You ca …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
0 votes

Pset5: not knowing why the errors occured

To fix the first error, your children node should be defined as node* children[27];. The second error could be fixed by moving the struct definition to dictionary.h, that way you can run sizeof() on i …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
1 vote

CS50 Pset5: Load - Permission Denied

You should compile with make speller not make dictionary. There is indeed a dictionary file, the reason you can't run it with ./dictionary however, is because it doesn't contain a main() function, so …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
1 vote

pset5 submission process taking too long

The green progress line on CS50's submit page doesn't always fully load, so it is quite normal behavior you see. The file should have been uploaded successfully even if it may not appear so. Although …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Array for storing hashtable only updates some of its initial NULL bytes

My load() function updates a global array initialized to NULL. check() thereafter converts word to lowercase and stores it in a buffer. Most elements in the array store NULL, however sometimes a real …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Array for storing hashtable has remaining NULL bytes after being loaded

My load() function updates a global array initialized to NULL. check() thereafter converts word to lowercase and stores it in a buffer. Most elements in the array store NULL, however sometimes a real …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar
0 votes

Help With Pset5 Unload (Valgrind issue)

Although this is a well constructed question I must say it is a little difficult to know exactly what you're looking for. Is it a semantic error? However to try and give you some perspective; for one …
Martin Kleiven's user avatar