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pset4 runtime error: unsigned integer overflow

You are subtracting from bi.biWidth on line 125. Since bi.biWidth is an unsigned long, it cannot contain negative values (-1 and so on), instead it's capacity to store positive values is doubled. So ...
kluvin's user avatar
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what's the purpose of fseek in PSET4?

First the padding. Keep in mind that the input file and the output file may or may not require the same amount of padding. In item 5, you don't examine the padding in the input file, you skip over it ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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PSet4 / Resize / Less: When to put the pointer back to the beginning?

In the first case, you want to wind back for all but the last iteration. In the second case, you would need a different condition, as you want to revert to the beginning of the line in all but the ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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How to use fseek along side arrays? Pset4 recover

for(int i = 0; i < MEMORYBLOCK; i++) { //read & store 512bytes in memory[i] fread(&(store[i]), 1, 1, inptr); //do we need *inptr instead? } If you want to ...
curiouskiwi's user avatar
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pset4/resize. problem with resize code and i don't know what to do

Well, you seem to be almost there, so I won't review all of your code, just give you some pointers: The first and most crucial tip is that you need to pass fseek() the number of BYTES as the second ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
1 vote

pset6 server2 load() fseek() return -1 [SOLVED]

First, I love cacahuetes. Second: I can tell you one problem right away. This part won't work with pipe streams like php files: if (fseek(file, 0 , SEEK_END) != 0) { DBG_Print("\n%i\n", ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
1 vote

Pset4 odd behavior

First... you're using bi.biHeight directly here, but you're forgetting that it is a negative value. I won't say much more... think about that. bi.biSizeImage = ((bi.biWidth + padding) * bi.biHeight)...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar
1 vote

pset4 resize fseek() - non proper work

You could use fseek(inptr, -bi.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE), SEEK_CUR); (no padding, as you never read some) to go back to the start of the line where you fseek at the moment, and after that loop, ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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pset4 Resize - Trouble Understanding Padding

According to MSDN biSizeImage The size, in bytes, of the image. This may be set to zero for BI_RGB bitmaps. If biCompression is BI_JPEG or BI_PNG, biSizeImage indicates the size of the JPEG or PNG ...
ChrisG's user avatar
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Understanding padding and fseek()

While we think of an image as pixels and lines, i.e., a two dimensional array like a checkerboard, the data is stored in the file as a single linear string of data. Adding the padding all at once ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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Pset4 resize less comfortable, problems with fseek

Your guess is pretty good. Look at the following line: // reset stream pointer for next scanline fseek(inptr, -((biOut.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE)) + outPadding), SEEK_CUR); First, this ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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CS50 Pset4 Resize - Vertical Sizing

Have you looked at the raw image data using xxd? The image data for anything larger than n=1 is far too much! The code is using the output file's biHeight and biWidth to control reading the input ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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Pset 4 Resize fseek()?

Too many one letter variables for me to really understand your code. But reset probably should not include intpadding. And the j++ within the innermost loop also is quite odd.
Blauelf's user avatar
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fseek doesent do what i expected

by fseek(inptr, (sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) * or_Width) + or_padding, SEEK_SET); you move cursor back to the very beginning of the file (SEEK_SET), and then move it to the beginning of the next row (sizeof(...
obesman's user avatar
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Vertical resizing with fseeks()

Not only with fseek. In the beginning you redefine bi.biWidth and bi.biHeight - now its new width and new height. But when you iterate over scanlines and pixels, you want to do it over infile's ones, ...
obesman's user avatar
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pset 4: resize adding in black pixels

fseek(inptr, bf.bfOffBits + ((oldWidth * 3) * i) + newPadding, SEEK_SET); You want to go to the start of i line of infile. Each infile line is (oldWidth * 3 + oldPadding) bytes. Multiply it by i and ...
obesman's user avatar
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CS50 pset4 recover: buffer type and fseek questions

an int is 4 bytes an unsigned char is 1 byte so buffer[3] in char is the 4th byte but in int it is the 13-16 bytes. so when using int you are not actually checking the first 4 bytes, but the first 16.
masterseeker's user avatar
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Pset 4 Resize makes a very colorful picture (not green!)--padding problem?

You change bi.biWidth and bi.biHeight to new scale using bi.biWidth = bi.biWidth * enlarge; bi.biHeight = bi.biHeight * enlarge; and then use code that relies on the values to represent the ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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pset6 load - why does fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); not work?

I'll quote some useful answers, because this question has been asked before: First Kareem Zidade on a post on facebook: You'll learn more about that in the following few weeks of the course, but ...
Yuri Laguardia's user avatar

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