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Infinite looping in hacker 1 - water

I like that you don't want to use CS50's tools and use tools that you are going to have available everywhere outside of CS50. I was reviewing your code. I tried to solve it with a fflush(stdin) line, ...
Ricardo David Antonetti's user avatar
1 vote

Understanding infinite loop with while loop

while() will run as long as the condition inside is true. In your code, an integer >2 will make it an infinite loop because the condition will be forever true. Alternatively, if you use if() ...
Manuel's user avatar
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PSET6 DNA Think I'm getting an infinite loop which is apparent when testing with every txt file after 4.txt

The proximate cause of the infinite loop is this while in the repeatss function: while dna_str[j : j + len_str] in str_csv[i]: curr_str += 1 j += len_str In ...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
1 vote

won function does not seem to return true (even though it should)

Why do you loop till j < d - 1 not j < d? For board 3*3, you miss board[0][2] so should return false for board[1][0]. However, I do not understand why you are stack in an infinite loop. You ...
obesman's user avatar
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PSET3 Binary Search Function Infinite Loop

Seems you just misprinted. Change end = middle + 1 to start = middle + 1 and it will work just fine.
obesman's user avatar
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pset5 compile but it's thinking too long so it must be wrong

Written based on the second code: You are allocating multiple times, overwriting the pointer each time? valgrind won't like that: for(int i = 0; i < ALPHABETS; i++) { root = NULL; ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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