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pset6 more

First of all, chill out man! Programming should be fun, not stressful! It's like solving a mystery, not having exams! :D Anyway your mistake is quite silly (I think it's due to the lack of sleep :P). ...
ChrisG's user avatar
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Struggling to align pyramid and check for extra spaces at the end of each line in pset6 less

Don't make things complicated. for x in range (height): print((height-x - 1)*' ' + (x+1)*'#')
Ojou Nii's user avatar
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why is there a blank line after input?

Your first line printed has i being 0, so you print spaces only. Change to range(1, n + 1) to avoid that. BTW, you should not print spaces at the end of the line. As much as I like the symmetry, the ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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pset6 - mario more - check50 EOF error

0 and 23 are valid input values. By using >0 and <23 you exclude them. Use >= and <=.
Blauelf's user avatar
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Simple Python Loop Not Working

The problem was in logic: The loop wasn't actually breaking when I put in a correct value (between 0 and 23) hence the infinite loop, as the logic said for it to break only if it was less or greater. ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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How do I add a condition to a for() loop in Python?

You could use while and somewhat emulate for, or do an if with a break inside your loop (which I would prefer).
Blauelf's user avatar
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cs50 2017 pset6 - code not working

First: DO NOT POST CODE AS IMAGES. Post as text, there's a {} button in the editor you can click after selecting the code, which will add four spaces in the front, which tell markdown to format as ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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CS50 2017 ProblemSet6

Python is very nit–picking about how you indent your code. In your case, the break should have 8 more spaces before it. return n should have 4 more. Like bellow: import cs50 def main(): height = ...
ChrisG's user avatar
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