Where is the syntax error in this sql file?
Unless I'm missing something, that is not a sql query. A sql query is something like "SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition". That is html code.
Locked out of phymyadmin
This seems to have resolved itself by restarting the development environment.
problem in opening phpmyadmin and cs50 finance in pset7
There is a way to reset the IDE without fixing the PHP interpreter.
You can create a new workspace. Go to https://cs50.io/sharmapranjal and click on the big gray square that says "+ Create a new ...
Pset8 search add fulltext error
Fulltext index is only supported on columns that are either of type varchar, text, or char, and some others you likely won't use. latitude and longitude are both of type decimal.
See this page, quote ...
Duplicate entry Error when inserting into portfolios pset7
OK... looks like there is a quick fix this that it was not implicit in the description.
By adding ALTER TABLE yourtablename ADD CONSTRAINT uq_yourtablename UNIQUE(column1, column2);
it seems that the ...
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