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Using the 5 pyramid as a guide: Height: 5          ##        ###      ####  &...
DinoCoderSaurus's user avatar
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Python Caesar not working for mix case etc

Multiple things. if plaintext.isupper(): you meant i.isupper(). plaintext.isupper() would check whether the whole string is upper-case, which it is not, but it also isn't completely lower-case, so ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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Readability CS50 Not counting the spaces

string input = get_string("Text:"); //getting input from the user int len = strlen(input); //determining the length of the string int space = 0; //declaring a variable to count whitespaces ...
Crisp_Coder99's user avatar
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Struggling to align pyramid and check for extra spaces at the end of each line in pset6 less

Don't make things complicated. for x in range (height): print((height-x - 1)*' ' + (x+1)*'#')
Ojou Nii's user avatar
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Can't properly check mario.c less comfortable, something wrong with spacing

Your staircase has the stairs going down to the right. They're supposed to go up from the left. Perhaps a review of the assignment specification is in order? There's a second problem lying in wait, ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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PSET 1 Mario calculating spaces

You don't need it to be height-i-1 and you can just do height-i Your hashes can be i+1 rather than i+2 If you do this, I think it will work as planned. Hope this helps, Ian
Ianardo's user avatar
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What is the difference between 'printf(" ");' and 'printf("%s"," ");'?

They should work exactly the same. printf(" "); will print a single space, the content between the double quotes. printf("%s"," ") will grab the first parameter " "after the format string, "%s" and ...
Cliff B's user avatar
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