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I'm confused on list setup and use for

ord(key_arr[key_index % key_length] - 97) needs to be ord(key_arr[key_index % key_length]) - 97, performing the subtraction after conversion to ASCII value. You should check len(argv) before ...
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pset6 the program show error online 25. Help me to get rid of this error please. Thank you

Would have been nice if you had marked what is line 25 to you. In that code, where do you set keylen? The inner/nested function definition should go to the top of the function, or outside, even ...
Blauelf's user avatar
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CS50 2017 Vigenere Python "IndexError: list index out of range"

IndexError probably means that you are trying to access an element in a list that doesn't exist. This particular problems refers to, on line 28, that you are trying to read an index in ciphertext ...
Steve Bunting's user avatar

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