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CS50W Project Wiki search function

I know this is late but if it helps somebody. The issue in your code is indentation. The moment the loop find the first matching substring it renders the page. Left indenting it by two levels should ...
Dineth Hettiarachchi's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a way to replace the whitespace in the url whose part is some user input? i.e. User input contains whitespaces Pset1 (Wiki)

You can try replacing whitespaces with a hyphen before saving the entry. By doing this, you save the complete name of the entry and can use it as a url. For this, the search and title rendering will ...
Vsjain's user avatar
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Edit Function Help - CS50 Web Project1 Wiki

In the entry page, at the end you are specifying a url which should take you to the edit page. But instead it reloads the entry page as the path is 'entry' not 'edit'. If you do this small change then ...
Vsjain's user avatar
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Help with Search Bar - Wiki Project1 CS50 Web Django

Nevermind, I have been able to figure it out. I had to use a GET request.
user14567126's user avatar

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