ok... I know this is a highly asked question and there are so many people that give advice but I still have not found what I am looking for. I have the prompt part done, I even have the spaces working... I can not figure out why my "#" are not working right.
Height of 5:
4 -'s 2 #'s line 0; 3 -'s 2 #'s line 1; 2 -'s 2 #'s line 2; 1 -'s 2 #'s line 3; 0 -'s 2 #'s line 4;
I have tried manipulating the hash for loop and I can get it to print 6 hashes but it will print them for every line.
this is what I have for my loop:
for (hash = height; hash <= height + 1; hash++)
hash is int at zero.
Any advice would be awesome because I have spent many hours reading, watching video's. I know messing with it teaches you but I'm seriously at a loss and have no one where I am that I can talk to about this.