I got my Vigenere cipher to work except for the part where you are supposed to skip over a space or symbol while maintaining your position in the key. In other words, a space or symbol is being assigned a char from the key array.
It looks like this (second line is the key):
This is CSfifty
When it should look like this:
This is CSfifty
abca bc abcabca
Here is my code so far:
int main(int argc, string argv[])
string key = argv[1];
int keylen = strlen(argv[1]);
// key position validation
if (argc != 2)
return -1;
// index into string key
for (int i = 0, n = strlen(argv[1]); i < n; i++)
// key alpha validation
if (!isalpha(key[i]))
return -1;
// zero key
key[i] = tolower(key[i]);
key[i] = key[i] - 97;
// plain text input
printf("Plain text:\n");
string plain = GetString();
// encipher
for(int k = 0, p = strlen(plain); k < p; k++)
printf("%c", (( (plain[k] - 97) + (key[k % keylen]) ) % 26 + 97));
else if(isupper(plain[k]))
printf("%c", (( (plain[k] - 65) + (key[k % keylen]) ) % 26 + 65));
else if(!isalpha(plain[k]))
printf("%c", plain [k]);
The code I just pasted does not even try to accommodate the space problem. I just pasted the version that works right now. I've been staring at my computer for three hours trying to figure out the problem but nothing seems to work. The closest I got to progress was when I created a separate for loop to create a new array that is the length of the plaintext and populated with the key (repeated to fill the length of the array). I was attempting to map the "plain-text-length key" before using it to print out the cipher text rather than enciphering the plaintext in real time in the cipher printf line as shown above. I tried subtracting from the counter and subtracting from the terminal int (to equal out the fact that I turned the clock back by 1.) But for some reason that ended up with the key repeating a single letter after encountering the space or symbol. (btw the reason why I made plainlenkey[j] = 'a' was so that the key didn't change the space or symbol in the cipher text since 'a' equaled 0.)
Here is what the for loop looked like:
char plainlenkey[strlen(plain)];
for(int j = 0, n = strlen(plain); j < n; j++)
plainlenkey[j] = key[j % keylen];
else if(!isalpha(plain[j]))
plainlenkey[j] = 'a';
And result looked something like:
This is CSfifty
I know this is a lot... so thanks in advance!