So, I have finished the program and it works as it should, displays everything identically to the staff one. However, when I use the corrector to check for errors it seems to glitch, have a look:
:) initials.c exists
:) initials.c compiles
:( outputs "MB" for "Milo Banana"
\ expected output, but not "-B\n"
:) outputs "MB" for "milo banana"
:( outputs "RTB" for "Robert Thomas Bowden" \ expected output, but not "2TB\n"
:( outputs "R" for "ROB" \ expected output, but not "2\n"
:( outputs "RTB" for "Robert thomas Bowden" \ expected output, but not "2TB\n"
Taking the last one for example, you can see quite clearly that the output was RTB, (and I tested manually to make sure), but afterwards the corrector takes it as "2TB\n". Why could that be? Yes, I've tried removing the \n, doesn't make a difference.
Thanks a bunch